ROYAL QUEST The Hunting Saga of H.I.H. Prince Abdorreza of Iran by Bill Quimby 2004 Long Beach, 325pp.
His Imperial Highness Prince Abdorreza of Iran was an internationally known big-game hunter famous for his startling world records and the diverse nature of his hunts. He began his hunting career at an early age on the outskirts of Teheran, shooting birds and rabbits; from there he graduated to the most stellar hunting career ever seen. Prince Abdorreza was the first hunter after WWII to hunt Marco Polo sheep in Afghanistan and the Russian Pamirs, an expedition that lasted over 7 weeks and took dozens of yak and men. He was privileged to hunt some of the most unusual animals on earth for the National Museum of Iran: Arabian thar; Siberian tiger; all subspecies of markhor; just about every sheep in Asia, and all the sheep of Africa, Europe, and North America. At the end of his life, he held numerous world records and had more trophies entered in either the Rowland Ward and the Boone and Crockett record books than any other person. His list of accomplishments is so long that they cannot all be listed, but here are several to give you a taste of this book: no less than four expeditions to the Pamirs after Marco Polo sheep; pioneering hunts in the Tian Shan of China and Siberia as early as the 1970s; all the spiral-horned antelope of Africa; no less than twelve tigers; the walia or Ethiopian ibex; banteng in Indonesia; and gaur in Nepal. The Prince hunted with the greats of the big-game hunting world such as Syd Downey, Pinnell & Talifson, Jack O'Connor, Elgin Gates, and Herb Klein. James Mellon accompanied the Prince on several expeditions, and some of the hunts these two men experienced in Oman, Pakistan, and Peru will never be repeated. Never a person to rest on his laurels, he accelerated his hunting in the last ten years of his life with numerous mountain hunts in Asia. The Prince hunted wild yak and chiru antelope in Tibet, shot a 65-plus-inch kudu, and made several trips for a 50-inch buffalo. This book, written by the former editor of Safari magazine, Bill Quimby, is based upon countless hours of taped interviews and complete access to Prince Abdorreza's photo albums and diaries. No other hunting book will ever tell a story like this! Sadly, Prince Abdorreza died unexpectedly on 11 May 2004.
