GERMAN BELT BUCKLES 1847-1945 – An Illustrated History by Thomas Reid , Lancer Militaria, AK, 1989. Illustrated with detailed black-and-white line drawings, an in-depth definitive guide to German belt buckles made between 1847-1945 including trademarks and product codes. Chapter I: Introduction ; Chapter II: The History of the German Belt Buckle : Producers and Manufacturing, Regulation and Technical Control, Questions and Authenticity, Outline of Historical Events (Chronology). Chapter III: Buckles of the Imperial Period (1846-1918) : Prussian, Bavaria, Saxony and Wuerttemberg; Minor Principalities. Chapter IV: The Weimar Republic (1919-32) : Para-military and Political Organizations; Civilian and Souvenir Items (1919-45); Government Organizations. Chapter V: The Third Reich (1933-45) : Military Organizations, Political Organizations, Civil Government and Werkschutz, Allied Foreign Nazi Political and Military Forces. Chapter VI: Appendix : Manufacturers Prior to1918 (Production ceased ca. 1920), Trademarks and Product Codes, RZM Codes (May 1933 to march 1935), RZM Codes (March 1935 to May 1945), Manufacturers Without RZM Contracts 1933-45, Chronology of the Assmann and Soehne Catalogs, Bibliography, Glossary of Select Vocabulary, Common Abbreviations and Technical Data, General Regulations Governing RZM License Holders; and Buckles Subject to RZM Control.
