By the early 1960's such famous toy brands as Airfix, Dinky, Corgi, FROG, Matchbox, Tri-ang, Meccano, Hornby, and Scalextric had secured a firm hold on the imagination of children and hobbyists throughout the world. Other names were also arriving on the scene, including Barbie, Revell, Monogram, Solido, Lego, and Hasbro's G.I. Joe as well as a couple of dolls called Sindy and Tressy. Today, anyone lucky enough to have surviving examples of toys from this era, especially mint and boxed ones, is sitting on a gold mine. Each category is thoroughly explored with descriptions and photographs of the famous and not-so-famous. With more than 400 colour photographs taken by the author, and further advice on storage, presentation, and display, this is an invaluable reference work for the collector.
