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British Bayonet Letters Patent, 1721-1961. Evans.
British Bayonet Letters Patent, 1721-1961. Evans.
Our Price: $125.00


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Product Code: B224

It is illustrated with many drawings and diagrams. A number of publications for the bayonet collector have appeared in recent years, but the storehouse of knowledge buried in the files of the British Patent Office has to date been neglected as a source of information on bayonet identification. This book seeks to remedy that deficiency. 119 Patents dealing with bayonet designs or associated inventions are dealt with in depth. Each section gives full details of the patent, with an extract from the inventor's specification, comments by the author, and in the majority of cases a drawing taken from the Patent itself. An appendix gives an outline of a further 33 patents also of some relevance to the study. British bayonet patents are not only of interest to the collector of British bayonet models alone, as many foreign inventors sought patent protection in Britain. Bayonet designs from the United States (26 patents) and France (twelve patents) are particularly well represented, and one or more patents from Switzerland, Germany, Canada, Spain, Australia, Norway, India, Sweden, Mexico, Hungary, Hong Kong, Austria and The Netherlands are also included. Entrenching and wire-cutting bayonets were particularly popular, but fixing mechanisms, silencer bayonets, telescope bayonets, pistol bayonets - even a war-chariot with mechanical bayonets are also described.

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